Second Tom Nixon Memorial Fly Swap, 2004
CPB Streamer

Originator: Tom Nixon
Hook: #8 Gold Aberdeen
Eyes: 1/8" diameter bead chain eyes
Body: Gold tinsel chenille, rather fat
Tail and Body topping: Three bunches of 6 strands of small black living rubber hackle. Tie the first bunch or rubber hackle on the near side of the hook at the eye, the second bunch of
6 on the top of the hook at the eye, and the third bunch of 6 on the far side of the hook at the eye. The rubber hackle is then tied down at the bend of the hook to make the back and the tail.
The tail is then trimmed to the desired length. The windings at the head and the bend of the hook should be treated with head cement.
Tyer: Mark Delaney, Lake Charles, LA

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