Summary of Fifth Contraband Conclave

The fifth Contraband Conclave was held on October 2, 2004 at the Southwest Louisiana Fishing Club in Lake Charles from 8:30 am to about 5:00 pm. Attendance was obviously affected by adveerse weather in the morning and competition from the FFF Southern Conclave in Mountain Home, AR. Lefty handled the delay due to the weather with grace, and kept everyone entertained and continued with the education of the attendees. There was plenty of time for personal casting insdtruction from Lefty as well.
The attendees who came from the farthest away were Don Puckett from South Carolina (he had an ulterior motive to be near, his wife lives in Houston) and Don Greife who drove down from Missouri. People from Houston to New Orleans were also among the attendees.

The rod & reel raffle winner was Dave Falk of the Contraband Fly Casters who immediately donated the 8 wt 4 piece 9 foot TFO TiCr & Battenkill Barstock reel back to the Contraband Fly Casters to auction it off for cash immediately. Don Griefe had the winning bid of $250. Thank yous to both Dave and Don.
Some people got some great deals at the silent auction. Below are pictures of table-top flytying stations constructed by Ron Begnaud and Mark Delaney that went in the auction. There were some very nice items, that essentially went for bargain prices.

Curly Maple Flytying Station by Ron Begnaud

Oak Flytying Station by Mark Delaney
Plans for the oak flytying station can be found in the September Contraband Fly Casters Newsletter. (See